In order to deposit or withdraw fiat currencies to or from your ElenoxOne account, it is necessary to undergo the verification process. This process is a standardized compliance measure implemented by ElenoxOne to adhere to anti-money laundering (AML), know your customer (KYC), and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) laws and regulations.

The verification process entails completing an online questionnaire and providing supporting documentation. Additionally, a signed declaration affirming the accuracy of the submitted information is required, granting ElenoxOne authorization to carry out the verification process. The duration for verification processing may vary and can take up to 5+ days, depending on the level of public interest.

For complete details, please visit the Account Verification page. After submitting all the required sections, the account verification process will commence. You will receive an email notification upon successful verification. It is important to note that verification is not mandatory to begin trading. Verification is only necessary for users who intend to withdraw fiat currencies. However, you are able to deposit, trade, and withdraw other currencies immediately after signing up.

To get verified:

  1. Navigate to the Verification section, which can be found under Account in the top right corner of your ElenoxOne platform.
  2. Read the terms and click Begin Verification once ready.
  3. Choose Account types – In this case, Individual Account.
  4. Pick your Country of Residence.
  5. Check all the reasons for which you are seeking account verification.

Personal Customer’s details required:

  • Real full name and/or names used
  • Current permanent address, including postal code
  • Date of birth
  • Profession or occupation

Names should be verified by reference obtained from a reputable source which bears a photograph, such as:

  • Current valid full passport
  • Government issued photo identification card
  • Current valid Driving License

In addition to the customer’s name verification, the current permanent address should be verified by obtaining any one of the following documents in original form:

  • Copy of a recent utility bill
  • Local tax authority bill
  • Bank statement
  • Checking a telephone directory
  • Credit card monthly statement